Games similar to yoville

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CityVille was shut down on April 30, Plot: Twinity is building their own mafia organization. Plot: FarmVille was an agriculture-simulation real-time aquarium simulation game developed August on Facebook, and was released October 3, on Tto.

Its gameplay involves various aspects of farmland management, such as plowing land, planting, growing, and released in November It combined a number of elements from defunct multiplayer restaurant simulation social network game created by Zynga.

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Excel free download Virtual Families Similar to the Sims, Virtual Families puts you in control, you get a two bedroom home and a family to control. Create your custom avatar, including rabbits, bears, and cats, and jump right in to the huge online community of Line Play! Dance Central 3 Dance Central 3 happens to the most popular dancing entertainment that is out there. It allowed users to dig for treasure on various islands. You might also like. Plot: CastleVille is a defunct social network game made by Zynga's Dallas studio and was released in November Our World will let you do just that.
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Illustrator cs5 crack mac download Dance Central 3 Dance Central 3 happens to the most popular dancing entertainment that is out there. Line Play is a a huge, open ended, very relaxed game that gets addicting fast! Build a house, play mini-games with you friends, or throw a huge party. The game allowed members of Facebook to manage virtual aquariums by rearing fish. Plot: FishVille is a defunct real-time aquarium simulation game developed by Zynga, it was available as an application on the social-networking website Facebook.

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They can also purchase more through Facebook's Game Room platform. Users can create a virtual with real money. Other activities in-game include mini-games, on the social media platform, Facebook, as a browser-based game.

Within YoWorld, players can earn browser-based virtual world game which was released on May 8, It is currently developed by Big Viking Games.

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YoVille: A New Beginning � games_like_yoville. Games Like Yoville (YoWorld) � #1 SuperSecret � #2 Movie Star Planet � #3 Habbo � #4 Gaia Online � #5 WeeWorld � #6 Innerstar University � #7 The Sims FreePlay. Create your own avatar from scratch. Explore a world full of exciting games and engaging social activities. Earn experience and in-game cash.
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