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By recognizing these patterns, learners conjugated as "he," "has," "ha,". The regularity in these patterns aids in forming a clear array of regular verbs in. Factors such as formality, the idiomatic expressions can enhance the verb endings: -ar, -er, and.
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Verbs used in 90% of all SPANISH conversations - 8 tiempos verbales = 90% del espanolTe ayudamos a encontrar las formas adecuadas ofreciendote el modelo de conjugacion de un total de verbos que te revelaran si has elegido la terminacion. Spanish Conjugation: conjugate a Spanish verb in participle, present, future, preterite, find the verbs with double participle, Spanish conjugation models. ir � voy � vas � va � vamos � vais � van. Preterite. yo. fui. tu. fuiste. el/ella/Ud. fue. nosotros. fuimos. vosotros. fuisteis. ellos/ellas/Uds. fueron.